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Sale period
2024/05/15 00:00 〜 2024/07/26 23:59

“reproduct rewind Presents Higgo”

  • Date

    2024/07/27 〜 2024/07/28

  • Open


3,000 JPY

※ This product is e-ticket.
※ 2% ticketing service fee will be charged.

End of sale

“reproduct rewind Presents Higgo” 2024.07.27 Sat 22:00 - 5:00 Special Guest: Higgo(UK) Guest: SPRAYBOX - DJ Set (Genick, Jacotanu, kyo) DJs: AGO BOMAYE Bowne ohichaaan Radial RENKA chan MC: ZトN Charge: ADV ¥3000 + 1D DOOR ¥3500 + 1 D Venue: club GOODWEATHER https://www.goodweather.org/ 〒460-0008 愛知県名古屋市中区新栄1-14-24

Sale Items